
Worship God, Care for People and Grow as Christians

Bereavement After Care Ministry

Mission Statement: To provide follow-up ministry functions after the Pastor and other designated church officials have made initial contacts with bereaved families.   Scripture: Matthew 5:4

Brotherhood Ministry

Mission Statement:  To support the ministry of the church and encourage men, young men and boys in worship, Christian study and service by stressing fellowship, loyalty to family, home, church, community and friends and by teaching responsibility with honor. Scripture:  I Peter 2:17

Dance Ministry

Mission Statement: To grow and deepen worship experiences by engaging in the creative worship form of Christian dance; allowing dance participants to express their love and appreciation for the Creator. Scripture: Psalm 149:3

Deaconess Ministry

Mission Statement:  To exemplify virtuous women; reaching out in love to those that are hurting in the church with understanding and providing spiritual guidance for young women while supplying inspiration, help and modeling the Christian walk with Jesus for all.
Scripture: I Timothy 3:11 

Pastor's Care Ministry

Mission Statement:  To minister to the physical and spiritual needs of the Pastor and ensure that he is recognized and acknowledged during appropriate occasions during the year.
Scripture: Jeremiah 3:15 & Romans 10:15 

Media Ministry

Mission Statement: To support the total church by providing a sound technician for worship services and other church functions; and coordinating services for sound system, photography, videography and reproduction of church-owned recorded media. Scripture: I Peter 4:10

Missionary Ministry

Mission Statement:  To model and encourage Christian education and service in the home and community. Scripture: Matthew 28:19 

Usher Ministry

Mission Statement: To dedicate and commit to service for the glorification of God by making the worship service a comfortable, peaceful, and safe experience. Scripture:  Psalm 84:10 

Deacon Ministry

Mission Statement:  To serve the church through God's love, with strong moral compass and while supporting the Pastor, teaching the Word with humility, visiting the members and practicing good stewardship in all matters of the church. Scripture: I Timothy 3:8-9 

Education Ministry

Mission Statement:  To provide educational opportunities for all ministries and new converts and equip the church body with the necessary tools to edify and win souls for Christ. 
Scripture: Ephesians 4:11-12 

Music Ministry

Mission Statement: To lift Jesus Christ through song, ministering to those searching for hope, encouraging the believers through harmonies and melodies that touch the heart and soul.
Scripture: Psalm 149:1

First Response Ministry

Mission Statement:  To provide immediate care for any emergency health need arising within the church until the appropriate professional help arrives.  
Scripture: III John 1:2